Loretta Kennedy is an embodied business & feminine leadership coach originally from the West of Ireland.

She lives in Cork, Ireland with her partner, their three daughters & their fur baby Daisy.

She has a background in psychology & counselling & is a Trauma of Money practitioner.

She works with women to help them identify & rewrite their deep seated money blocks, rebuild trust & a healthier relationship with money, with their self worth & with feeling resourced.

She is a ⅗ Generator in Human Design and a Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon in her 7th house and Gemini Rising.
Which shows up in her life as a creatrix & matriarch who loves the beauty in life, in community and in deep connection. But also desires structure, going deep into the mystical & entrepreneurship lights her up.

She is not an either/or person. She is absolutely And/And.
She has been supporting women to design their dream businesses & life for several years with her unique blend of spirituality & spreadsheets.

She has a deep fascination with the Irish famine and what it is like to live a life of intention as a mother, a woman and an entrepreneur in a post colonial, consumer driven society which is still processing deep trauma.
She believes this planet needs more rested and wealthy women.

Trauma of money practitioner.
Akashic record reader.










 A rested and wealthy woman has the power to save us all.   


Journal Prompts to uncover wealth wounds

Money is funny. It's a HUGE source of our pleasure, power, and pain. And so many of us have no idea what we think about it. And it's our thoughts that create our feeling, which leads to our actions, which leads to our results, so if we want a different result, we need different thoughts. Grab these journal prompts to get to the root of your wealth wounds to create the prosperity you crave ultimately.

heck yes!!

But it sure feels like the safest place to settle.

Our desires can often feel too big, too impossible, and most of all, too much of an imposition.

We're afraid of what our dreams will do to ourselves and to those we love the most.

We're afraid of the discomfort required along the journey, so we stay stuck, silent, & stagnant in lives that have lost their luster. Prisoners of routines and distractions.

All the while, feeling the yearning for satisfaction and success we cannot seem to define, yet it will not leave us alone.

This yearning is real, and it is NOT selfish. It is the most loving endeavor you can pursue.

Your legacy is directly correlated to your pleasure. To how much fun you are having. To your growth. To your guts.

When you light up, so does everyone else around you. You become an example of what is possible for them.

And possibility is the portal to passion, pleasure, and personal power.

Mediocrity is not the mark you're here to leave.