Here lives the space and guidance for you to do, be and have it all without apology, shame or hiding.

I see you sharing your deepest desires with strangers in the Zoom room, only to turn off the screen and be a stranger to your family, friends, and partner in the actual room.

There is nothing shameful about desires, wounds, and beliefs. The boldness, beauty, and abundance you crave cannot be if part of you is compartmentalized and hidden.

Your freedom, fun, finances, and fulfilment live in your radical transparency.

standing for your radical transparency.


On my life path doing work I love

2018 - 2022
Creating a business from my kitchen table & sold it 



Walked the Camino di Santiago. Experienced a huge spiritual awakening. Everything changed after that 


The journey that brought me here.



1994 - 2000
Unhappy in a codependent relationship after dropping out of college 

The timeline

hey, I'm 



I have always felt compelled to make things HARD.

I spent years over-delivering & underpricing.

Struggle & sacrifice were where I felt safest but never satisfied.

I had guilt around my desire for prosperity. I believed that the more money I made, the less spiritual I became.

The only way to allow myself to feel worthy of wealth was if it felt like WORK.

It wasn’t until I discovered how trauma created this narrative.

Trauma, when unchecked, is the sneaky puppet master, pulling the strings on the under-earning, over-giving, and overall feeling of life dissatisfaction.

It was through healing many of my old money programming and beliefs around receiving and self-worth that my business began to thrive and generate consistent and aligned income.

But what’s more, is my sense of self-trust. The embodiment of my truth in my gifts, abilities, and resilience has replaced struggle & sacrifice as the safest place to land.

When your safety is your sovereignty, you are truly free. I believe THAT is what we are all after in our pursuits. And it’s where I want to guide you to.  

Two years ago I was a frazzled Mama running a business and holding down a day job (and also home-schooling 3 kids…)

It wasn’t pretty and led to a lot of unnecessary busyness, insomnia, caffeine intake and exhaustion. Hopping from one thing to the next without a clear strategy had left me exhausted with a spinning mind.

I would literally fall into bed every night wondering where my time had gone.

Feeling like I achieved nada that day.

Oh yes, I was also broke AF.

For all my running and racing and filling of diaries with dreams and ideas, I was in overdraft most months.

And yet my vision board had a picture of a Spanish white stonewashed villa with lemon trees on it….Did I mention I am a big dreamer?

Shadow feminine. I had built my business and life in shadow feminine.

Analysis paralysis, procrastination, dithering over micro decisions.

You get the drift.

Afraid to append money.

Then spending big chunks without any thought.

And I see so many of the clients I work with doing the same.

Fast forward two years and I am in a VERY different place.

So what happened?

I stepped the F up firstly, went deep into my worth wounds, resigned from my day job to focus on my first biz and went on a huge inner and professional journey.

And things began to change.


All the affirmations, education, journaling, vision boards, and feel-good thoughts cannot OUT manifest a worth wound that believes you should NOT have it.

The worth wound shows up in…

 the overspending
 the overgiving
 the underearning
 the hiding of our spiritual inclinations and desires from our friends & family.

The worth wound is in the shame for wanting more time, money, and freedom.

The worth wound is in the shame for wanting a different version of work, partnership, or motherhood.

The worth wound is the belief that our people-pleasing, productivity, and prosperity generate our worth.

So we limit our lives to what is suitable, sensible, and, ultimately, unsatisfying.


It's impossible to create the life of your dreams if you do not feel worthy enough to have it.

your worth wound