There are times in life when you may need perspective, clarity and/or a confirmation of your path & purpose. You may be at a crossroads, unsure which way to proceed and are seeking another perspective.

Receiving information through direct communication between you and your own Higher Guidance in your unique Akashic record is one such perspective and tool.

I have been working with my records for over 5 years now and regularly tune in for clarity and direction in relation to my business, my life, decisions I want to take & make & outcomes I wish to explore.


Akashic Record


No alcohol for 24 hours prior to your reading.
A pen and paper to make & take notes

The preparation 

Book in through calendly, select your date and make payment.
1 hour session plus 1 week follow up of voxer support: €333

Next steps

what are The Akashic Records?

The Akashic records are an ancient tool & information system we all have access to.
They are a technology to help you access consciousness, connect to the essence of who you are & offer information on how best to align with & thrive with your greatness.

In accessing & amplifying your connection to consciousness through the Akashic records, you receive your specific blueprint which contains all the information of the timeline of your soul including all future potentials.
That enables you to access info that is relevant to you in the present moment.

The word Akasha comes from the Sanskrit word for space, spirit,
In Science, it is the quantum field, in spirituality, it is pure consciousness.
All people, animals, businesses have their own record which holds their souls’ history-past, present & how it all relates to their purpose in this lifetime.

The Akashic records or the Book of Life is an all encompassing, vibrational information field.
When distilled down to the individual form, your akashic record is your resource for your soul.

I have been using the information available in the Akashic records for the past 5 years and trained as a reader with Dr. Linda Howe.
I am so grateful to be able to share this technology to support you in your expansion in your life and business.
The messages and words from the records are always compassionate & kind.
While I may be the conduit, the messages and meanings are for you and come form a place of Higher Guidance.


In accessing & amplifying your connection to consciousness through the Akashic records, you receive your specific blueprint which contains all the information of the timeline of your soul including all future potentials.
That enables you to access info that is relevant to you in the present moment.

The word Akasha comes from the Sanskrit word for space, spirit,
In Science, it is the quantum field, in spirituality, it is pure consciousness.
All people, animals, businesses have their own record which holds their souls’ history-past, present & how it all relates to their purpose in this lifetime.

The Akashic records or the Book of Life is an all encompassing, vibrational information field.
When distilled down to the individual form, your akashic record is your resource for your soul.

I have been using the information available in the Akashic records for the past 5 years and trained as a reader with Dr. Linda Howe.
I am so grateful to be able to share this technology to support you in your expansion in your life and business.
The messages and words from the records are always compassionate & kind.
While I may be the conduit, the messages and meanings are for you and come form a place of Higher Guidance.

The Akashic records are an ancient tool & information system we all have access to.
They are a technology to help you access consciousness, connect to the essence of who you are & offer information on how best to align with & thrive with your greatness.