Join the movement

This is more than a membership.
It's a salon filled with creative entrepreneurs from around the world who have huge visions.
It's to become your favourite hang out spot.
It's a space filled with expanders & inspiring self led women who get you, what you do & who you are.


Welcome to


Who is
elevate for?

ELEVATE is your anchor for the Summer months when things feel hazy but you know you want to keep on keeping on.
ELEVATE is the membership which is going to elevate your life AND your business.

We are the average of the 5 people we spend most of our time with.
I know just how important being part of an inspiring community I can relate to is.
For my personal growth.
And for my professional growth

This first intake is for a 6 month membership at a Founders rate of €111 per month which includes monthly hot seat coaching with me, a monthly masterclass & access to a private community.
Plus surprises during our time together ( I love surprising the women in my containers with access to courses & bonuses)

Once doors close the next intake will not happen again until Winter...

We begin May 1st.